Another mini arctic blast hitting DFW this January 6, 2022. Temps dropped below freezing this morning so I waited until late in the afternoon to take my beloved 11 year old black lab Jake for his daily walk (both he and I are too old to walk in cold weather at our age). And even then it was too cold for us. Texas weather is either much warmer than what the temp reading says, or much colder. Today it was much colder.

New bottle day - #3 - is a 2013 Flanagan cabernet (despite one reader's best attempt to convince me to open my 1947 Sauternes - we'll save that for another IPO :)). The tech sheet was interesting - noting it's not as fruit forward as the 2012 vintage and shows more restraint - in other words it ain't as good if you like a fruity cab. It definitely has black currant in it and I find it slightly more fruity than the 2010 Rubicon I just finished. We stumbled upon Flanagan probably 5-7 years ago. One of our favorite things to do when we are visiting wineries in Napa is to ask someone we like at one of our existing wineries for a recommendation of another winery to visit. Not sure who recommended Flanagan but we enjoyed it for one simple reason - every one of their wines we tasted - from chardonnay to pinot, to syrah to cabs - we ended up liking. Maybe we were really drunk when we were there (high odds) but even over time at home I still like their wine. It's a very pretty winery high up in the mountains in Sonoma Valley just outside of Santa Rosa. Cheers